Here are some Feng Shui bed position best practices to help you decide on the best way to position your bed in your bedroom.
A bed should always be supported.
The bed head should ideally rest against a solid wall.
It should not be place in the middle of a room or against a window as shown in the diagram.
If you have no choice but to place the bed head against a window make sure that the window is closed and curtains drawn when you go to bed.
It should also not be placed directly under an overhead beam. Move the bed to another location. If you are not able to position the bed so that it is not under a beam you should consider installing a false ceiling to diffuse the ‘sha’ generated by the beam.
The bed should also not be in the path of the bedroom door. The diagram shows the path of the bedroom door in red and the various positions of the bed that are in conflict with this guideline.
The bed should also not be in-line with the toilet door as shown below. The remedy is to relocate the toilet door as shown. If there is enough space you can place a screen – removable or fixed – to block the bed from the toilet.
In some apartments that I have consulted on, the room is so small that it is not possible to position the bed out of the path of the toilet door. Neither can you relocate the toilet door. In such a case, the only option left is to keep the toilet closed at all times.
The bed head or bed should not share a common wall with the toilet or bathroom for obvious reasons.
Once you have decided on the position of you bed, look up and find out what is directly upstairs. You should not find a toilet up there! Next look downstairs and find out what is below. A toilet downstairs is okay but a stove is a definite no!
I hope you find the Feng Shui bed position best practices useful.