Here is part 1 of dreams interpretation more extensive list of dreams interpretation from the Chinese Almanac.
Dreams | Interpretation |
Reddish white clouds | Good sign |
Bluish dark clouds | Bad sign |
Red rainbow | Good sign |
Black rainbow | Bad sign |
Rain on a gloomy day | Bad sign |
Snow falls on you | Sign of good luck |
Clouds disperse and sun shine | End of back luck |
Praying to the sun and moon | Strong sign of prosperity |
Sunrise | Women will give birth |
Multi colored clouds | Major sign of prosperity |
Meeting god | Sign of good luck |
Worshipping the Sun and Moon | Major sign of prosperity |
Walking in the rain | Enjoy life |
Sunlight/moonlight shine on your chest | Successful children |
Sunlight or moonlight shines on you | Career promotion |
Sunlight falls on your house | Take up a high position |
Shooting stars | Illness of lawsuit |
Hit by lightning | Wealth and fame |
Clothes blown away by strong wind | Disease or illness |
Phoenixes | Distant relative will visit |
Eclipse of the sun or moon | Give birth to a successful son |
Rain stops and sun shines | Troubles will go away |
Flying high in the sky | Wealth and fame |
Door of heaven opens | Meet benefactor |
Entering a temple | Birth of a son |
Entering a house | Have wealth and properties |
A tree suddenly falling down | Sign of bad luck |
Walking with your spouse in a market | You will acquire properties |
Holding grains in your hand | Have wealth and status |
Standing in water | Sign of bad luck |
Your house on fire | Sign of prosperity |
Your living room tumbling down | Sign of bad luck |
Standing underneath a tree | Help from powerful people |
The ground opens up | Sign of disease |
Broken bridge | Face lawsuits |
Standing inside a paddy field | Major good sign |
Door wide open | Major good sign |
Door broken | Bad sign |
Door open by itself | Adultery |
House renovation | Major good sign |
Beam breaks suddenly | Major bad sign |
House cleaning | Relatives will visit |
A dead tree blooms again | Have many sons and daughters |
Drilling a well | You have much wealth |
Harvesting in the field | Family is safe |
High tide | Sign of prosperity |
Carry stones into the house | Sign of wealth |
Finding money on the road | Major good sign |
Fire break out in the kitchen | Urgent matters |
Walking with your spouse | Your wife will be pregnant |
Here is part 2.