Feng Shui: Tapping on the Successes of the Previous Home Owner

Someone ask me if it is a good idea to buy a house where the previous owner had experienced great success while living in it.

Can he also benefit from the ‘good’ Feng Shui of the house that had apparently boosted the previous owner’s success?

At first glance, the argument seems logical. But it is flawed (mostly). Let me explain.

According to the ancient Chinese, a person’s success at any period of his life is a function of his luck (during that period), his fate potential, his Feng Shui and (very importantly) how he applies himself.

This is the trinity of heaven, earth and man and together it determines the degree of success that one can achieve.

To the Chinese, heaven can means the roof over earth or the sky. But really what it means, at least from the perspective of Chinese Astrology, is the cosmic forces that come from out of space.

The cosmic forces present at your birth play a big role in determining your fate potential. Since we are constantly exposure to cosmic energies (as the earth rotates around the sun), these forces also affect our luck at various stages of our life. More specifically it influences our power (or career), wealth, health and relationship luck at different stages of your life.

This is how astrologers are able to make prediction of a person’s characters and events in his lifetime by simply looking at the date and time of birth.

Even though heaven (or the cosmic forces) play a big part in your luck, other forces such as the earth (Feng Shui) and man (how we apply yourself) can further influence the outcome.

The Chinese have a saying, “Heaven and Man together as one”. Now, what does this mean? It simply mean that since heaven influence our luck, if man moves in tandem with his (pre-destined) fate and luck cycle, he can achieve greater success.

Let me explain with an example. Let’s say that this person has great power (or career) luck during the period between the ages of 35 and 44. Knowing this the person should apply himself forcefully in his career. Since the cosmic forces are behind him he stands a very good chance of achieving great success.

Now, let’s say that Heaven (cosmic forces) predicts that he is likely to lose a lot of money in a business investment around the ages of 46 and 47. Knowing this he should refrain from taking any financial or business risk during this period. It fact he should be extra careful and maybe even walk away from such deals.

By doing so, he can achieve more in his career and not lose any of his wealth. It is like ‘going with the flow’ instead of ‘padding against the current’. Disaster is more likely to hit when you go against the flow.

If we come back to the case above, you will see that the previous owner’s success is most likely not due to just Feng Shui but more significantly, by his date and time of birth (which is likely to be different from yours or mine) and how he applies himself.

In all likelihood the Feng Shui of the house is good (at least for the previous owner). In Feng Shui we observe that people who are in a good luck period tend to buy houses with better Feng Shui.

If so, does that mean that the house, generally speaking, has good or decent Feng Shui? I would think so.


We must however take note of the fact that due to a different natal chart, a house that it good for him may not be good for another. Remember the East and West Life classification and the different Guas? Remember the different optimal door opening and orientation, the different utilization of spaces within for persons of different Guas?

Another thing to consider is the concept of house luck (Xuan Kong) that can change over time. It is possible that the previous owner’s stay is during the period when the house luck is strong.

So, should you buy the house? I would recommend an audit by a Feng Shui Consultant first. 😉

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The Low Down on the Yin Yang

The concept of Yin Yang is one of the most important principles in Chinese metaphysics. The others include the principle of the Five Elements and the Bagua.

The ancient Chinese believe that in the beginning there is a state of nothingness or a void and they call it Wu Ji and it is symbolized by a circle.

Out of this nothingness come two primary energies which are the opposite of each other. One is active while the other is passive. The active energy is called yang while the passive energy is called Yin. The interaction of Yin and Yang energies is unending and neither is more important than the other.

The continuous interaction of Yin Yang is often depicted by the Tai Ji symbol. The black potion symbolizes the Yin energies while the white portion symbolizes the Yang energies.

The circular arrangement suggest the continuous cycle of interaction. The growing and contracting of the Yin and Yang suggest that a never ending cycle of change. The black dot in the Yang portion of the symbol suggests that when Yang reaches its maximum, yin starts to grow and vice versa.

In addition, the close contact between the Yin and Yang portion symbol suggest that both are important and equal and neither one is more important or conquer the other.

This concept of Yin Yang can be applied to everything. For example strong is Yang while Weak is Yin. Traits such as day, summer, sun, motion, white, angular, shiny for example can be classified as Yang while night, winter, moon, stillness, black, smooth and dull can be classified as Yin.

In the rest of this article, I will explain how Yin and Yang applies to the seasons, plants, objects, human beings, the Five Elements etc.

When applied to seasons, Yin is winter while Yang is summer. Spring is a period of increasing Yang while autumn is a period of increasing Yin.

When applied to plants, live plant is Yang while dead wood e.g. table and chair is Yin. Live plants can be further classified where a large tree is Yang and the small plant is Yin. Those with rounded leaves are Yin while those with narrow leaves are Yang.

When applied to objects those that are small, rounded, dull and cold to the touch is Yin. Those that are large, angular, shiny and warm to the touch are Yang. What about jewellery like tungsten rings which are both metallic and rounded? Since it’s a metal, and a dull metal, it maybe classified as yin while shiny gold is more yang.

In humans, the left brain (logic) is Yang while the right brain (creativity) is Yin. Those with boastful, loud, aggressive and impulsive personalities are Yin while those with shy, quiet, soft-spoken and patient personalities are Yang.

The human body can also be classified into Yin and Yang. The front and the part below the waist is Yin while the back and the part above the waist is Yang. The internal organs can be classified too. The heart, lung, liver, spleen and kidney are Yin while the small and large intestine, gall bladder, stomach and bladder are Yang organs.

What about spaces? The bedroom, study and storeroom are Yin. The living room, kitchen, family area and dining are Yang. Generally speaking those areas that require less noise and lighting where it is easier to concentrate or rest is Yin and vice versa.

Finally what about the Five Elements? You may have heard of Yin and Yang Water. Yin Water is one that is still and do not move. For example water in a jar. Yang Water on the other hand has movement such as a water fountain or aquarium.

Is the river Yin or Yang water? If you follow the course of a river from source to sea, you will notice that there are places where a river slows down considerable and also place where it accelerates. In general a river is yang but within Yang you have also places where it is more Yin (when it slows down) and places where it is more Yang (when it accelerates).


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The Feng Shui Consultant and The Interior Designer

What role should a Feng Shui consultant play in the interior design of a home? Many interior designers are apprehensive when they are told that they have to work with a Feng Shui Consultant. This fear is not unfounded.

I have come across many Feng Shui consultants who insist on using a certain colour or placing a certain item in a certain place that do not go well with the design.

In my opinion Feng Shui consultants should not try to be interior designers unless they happen to be skilled in the area. After all, interior designers are interior designer because they have the gift of design.

What then are the roles of the consultant and the designer and when do one stop and the other begin?

I believe that the Feng Shui Consultant’s role is to ensure that the design is Feng Shui compliant while the Interior Designer’s role is to deliver a practical and aesthetic design that meet the owner’s requirements.

It is the consultant’s responsibility to identify the auspicious and inauspicious locations of the house and suggest potential locations for critical spaces such as the main door, kitchen and bedrooms. The tilt of the main door (if required), the orientation of the stove and beds should also be made known as they will affect the design design.

In addition the consultant should also provide a set of ‘best practices’ or ‘guidelines’ to the interior designer so that he can incorporate them into the design.

In the process, the design may bounce around many times between the owners, designer and the consultant. In my opinion the consultant’s role is to ensure compliance to Feng Shui practices and his recommendations should be limited to that. The rest should be between the designer and the owner.

What if there is a conflict of opinion? I think the Feng Shui Consultant should strongly urge the owner to follow your recommendations in areas that are critical e.g. the location and orientation of the main door, the location and orientation of the stove etc. In less critical areas e.g. choice of colors for the living room, the consultant should provide input and alternatives to allow the designer to develop a practical and aesthetic design.

Let me give you an example using the Eight Mansions system.

For a house that sits north and face south, the Sheng Qi (or Living Qi) location is in the SE sector of the house. In you are familiar with the Eight Mansions system you will know that Sheng Qi is Wood ‘Qi’.

The SE is also associated with Wood ‘Qi’ which means that the auspicious Sheng Qi is supported by the sector. This is a good combination and the sector can be used.

We can further enhance the sector by introducing more wood items (same as the sector) or water items (since water produce wood). It can be a water fountain (water element), indoor plants (wood element) or you can use colours (green for wood and blue for water).

The consultant should suggest these alternatives to the designer and let the designer and the owner made their own decision.

I believe that if you take this approach, you will have a much harmonious relationship with the interior designers that you inevitably have to work with.

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Remembering the Early & Late Heaven Bagua

It would expedite your learning of Chinese Metaphysics if you can remember the arrangement of the Early Heaven and Later Heaven arrangement of the Bagua.

Many Feng Shui systems such as the Eight Mansions and Xuan Kong Da Gua make use of the arrangements of the Bagua and knowing them helps greatly.

Bagua Arrangement
Bagua Arrangement

I learnt and memorize both the arrangements by rote. It is burnt or engraved in some parts of my brain.

It is however not the easiest way and thankfully help is available. A good friend of mine revealed his method of remembering the Later Heaven arrangement and I would like to share it with you.

Before getting into the method, I assume that you know the 8 Guas, their name and association. To recap, Qian is Heaven, Kun is Earth, Li is Fire, Kan is Water, Chen is Lightning, Dui is Muddy Field or Lake, Ken is Mountain while Xun is Wind.

Here goes. Remember this very short story. “From heaven comes rain which falls on the mountain. It is followed by thunder and strong wind. Then lightning strikes a tree which burns to the ground. The ashes mix with water to form a muddy field”.

How does this story relate to the Later Heaven Bagua?

First you need to commit to memory the position of Qian which is located in the North West. Then move a step at a time in the clockwise direction. Remember the story above, “From Heaven come rain”. The next gua is Kan (which also means water or rain).

The story continues, “Which falls on the mountain”. What is the next Gua? You have Ken which is Mountain. See?

“It is followed by Thunder and strong Wind”. What are the next two guas in a clockwise direction? It is Chen (represents Thunder) and Xun (which represents Wind).

“Then lighting strike a tree which burns to the ground”. Move clockwise another step and you have Li which is Fire (represents lightning). Move another step and you have Kun (represents earth or ground).

Finally, “ashes mix with water to form a muddy field”. Move yet another step clockwise and you find the Dui gua which is muddy field or lake.

You see how the story tells the position of the Gua of the Later Heaven arrangement as you move clockwise.

What about the Early Heaven arrangement?

No, I do not know of an easy method like the one above but I can share with you my rote method.

Here goes. Remember the sequence Qian, Dui, Li, Chen, Xun, Kan, Ken and Kun and the flight pattern shown on the right. Read it aloud 21 times every day for the next 21 days!

It works for me but if it still does not work for you, wait another 21 days and repeat the above again!

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Pregnancy and Renovations

There is an unwritten rule in the Chinese community about carrying out renovations works. You simply do not do it if a member of the occupant is pregnant.


It is so ingrained in we simply accept it without question. There are also enough horror stories about the consequences of breaking this rule to keep the taboo alive.

But why should we not renovate when an occupant is pregnant?

There are a number of good reasons. Here is what I think.

A house is not a safe place to be during renovation works. The chances of an accident happening is high. For a pregnant person, the centre of gravity is shifted and it is easier to fall. In addition, the ligaments are soft and joints are less stable, increasing the risk of injury.

The pregnant woman make inadvertently get involving in moving items about. Some research indicates that there is a higher risk of miscarriage in women who do strenuous labour.

It is well known that smoking by pregnant mother may result in foetal injury, premature birth or low birth weight. I am not sure if the dusty unhealthy environment created during renovation works will have the same effect but it is certainly something worth avoiding.

There is increasing evidence that babies in the womb are aware of external noise. Particularly loud noises have been shown to stimulate the foetus directly, causing changes in heart rate. In addition to direct noise, the foetus is also not fully protected from its mother’s response to stress, caused by noise and the physical changes she experiences may be transmitted to the foetus resulting in a threat to proper foetal development.

It may interest you to know that a Japanese study of over 1,000 births produced evidence of a high proportion of low-weight babies in noisy areas!

So what if you must renovate?

The solution is to ask the pregnant occupant to move to another location (e.f. friend’s of sibling’s house) for the duration of the renovation. That’s it.

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Human Emotions & the Five Elements

There is a very popular Chinese saying, “Ailment of the heart, requires medicine of the heart”. To the Chinese people, the term heart and mind is interchangeable and the saying refers to psychological or mental illnesses and implies that they can be cured by psychological means!


According to the ancient Chinese there are seven human emotions. They are joy, anger, anxiety, melancholy, sorrow, fear and fright. These emotions are human being’s response to the external environment. In small doses, they do not cause any physical ailments but in large quantity and over prolonged periods, they can affect the proper functions of a person’s internal organs.

The emotion of joy and fright is related to the heart which in turn related to the element fire. The emotion of melancholy is related to the spleen and the earth element, while the emotion of anxiety and sorrow with the lungs and the element metal. Finally the emotion of fear is related to the kidneys and water, while the emotion of anger with the liver and the element of wood.

Hence, too much joy can affect the heart while prolonged anger can hurt the liver. Too much of a melancholy feeling can harm the spleen while too much anxiety or sorrow can hurt the lungs. Finally too much fear and nervousness can be detrimental to the kidneys.

According to the ancient Chinese, the one human emotion can be curbed using another emotion based on the controlling cycle of the Five Elements. For example joy (five) can overcome anxiety/sorrow (metal), which in turn can over anger (wood). Anger (wood) can overcome melancholy (earth) which in turn can overcome fear (water).

But the same rule, you can use one human emotion to release another.

Let’s illustrate further with a popular story about physician Wen Zhi who lived during the Spring and Summer period. He was summoned to the palace to treat the King who was suffering from extreme headaches. The prince was extremely distressed by his father’s ailment and begged Wen Zhi to cure him.

Wen Zhi told the prince that he will cure his father but in the course he will lose his life. The prince could not understand what Wen Zhi said but did not pursue as he was more concerned with his father’ ailment.

The next time the king had one of his headaches he summoned Wen Zhi but this time Wen Zhi ignored him. This happened a few times and the king was extremely upset. He sent his troops to drag Wen Zhi to the palace. On seeing the king, instead of help him, he insulted the king. In extreme anger and with fire raging in his eyes, the king ordered that Wen Zhi be cooked in a pot.

A few days later, the king made a surprising recovery. It was only then that he understood why Wen Zhi acted in such a strange way. You see the king’s headaches were caused by anxiety. By deliberately making the king angry, he help the king release his anxiety and hence cured his headaches.

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The Five Elements and its Associations

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The principle of the Five Elements is pervasive in Chinese metaphysics.

It is felt in Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, medicine and even in Chinese music!

The five elements are associated with the seasons, colours, taste, behaviour, organs in the body etc.

In the chart below, I have listed out the various associations of the Five Elements and the meaning of each element:-

Yin OrgansLungLiverKidneyHeartSpleen
Yang OrgansLarge
Music NotesReMiLaSoDo
Numbers4 & 93 & 81 & 62 & 75 & 10

Feng Shui Cures Placement

“The Feng Shui master recommended that I place a Feng Shui cure in the north east sector of my house. Where do I take the reference from?”

While this may be obvious to most people, I am still surprised at the number of times this question is raised by visitors to my website or during my public talks.

When placing Feng Shui cures the reference point is usually (unless otherwise stated) the ‘centre’ of the ‘enclosed’ area of the house. It exclude the front and back garden and in the case of semi or fully detached properties, the garden spaces at the side of the house.

Centre of a House
Centre of a House

For a regular square of rectangular house, located the ‘centre’ of the house is easy. It is the intersection of the four corners of the house. Please refer to the diagram.

For an irregular shape house, locating the centre is more challenging and you may have to retrieve your dusty geometry books from the store!

Once you have located the ‘centre’ of the house, place a compass there and rotate it until the ‘North’ marker on the compass face is aligned with the north pointing needle. You can then read the rest of the cardinal and inter-cardinal directions off the compass face.

Eight Sectors
Eight Sectors

Although north for example is 0 degrees, the north sector is actually a 45 degrees pie ranging from 337.5 degrees to 22.5 degrees. Please refer to the drawing on the left to see this sector and the rest of the sectors.

Therefore you can place the cure anywhere within the pie although in practice it is better to place it closer to the line.

Some cures must be placed within a 15 degree pie for example in N3. North 3 is a a smaller pie from 7.5 degrees to 22.5 degrees.

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Feng Shui Renovation Rules

Can I renovate my house any time I like?

From a Feng Shui perspective you should not. Renovating an area that is afflicted with inauspicious current year qi can activate the afflicted area and bring about negative consequence.


If the house is vacant or not tenanted, you can start renovating any sector of the house. All you need to do is select an auspicious date and time to start work. If the house is currently tenanted and you do not have plans to move out then you should observe the rule on Feng Shui regarding renovations.

You should not carry out any renovations on your house if it sits on the Sui Poh direction or the Five Yellow direction of the year. In 2008 for example the Sui Poh direction is SE3 while the Five Yellow Direction is NE (Note that the the Sui Poh direction is directly opposite the Tai Sui direction). In other words you should carry out major renovation works in 2008 on any house that sits SE3 or NE.

In addition to the above you should take note of the direction of Three Killings. In 2008 Three Killings is at the west. This means that you should ideally not carry major renovation works on any house that sits west. But what if you must? Unlike Sui Poh and Five Yellow above, you can still carry out renovation works by selecting good San Sha date. This date is one where the San Sha effect is weakest.

Do you still need to select a correct auspicious date? Absolutely!

What if you need to renovation many sectors of your house and including the ones that are afflicted by Tai Sui, Three Killings and Five Yellow? If the renovation is extensive, it will be a good idea to move out for a few months.

The table below shows the locations for Tai Sui, Sui Poh, Three Killings and Five Yellow for the next few years.

 Tai SuiSui PohThree KillingsFive Yellow
2007NW3SE3SW3, W1-3, NW1NE
2008N2S2SE3, S1-3, SW1S
2009NE1SW1NE3, E1-3, SE1N
2010NE3SW3NW3, N1-3, NE1SW
2011E2W2SW3, W1-3, NW1E
2012SE1NW1SE3, S1-3, SW1SE
2013SE3NW3NE3, E1-3, SE1Center
2014S2N2NW3, N1-3, NE1NW
2015SW1NE1SW3, W1-3, NW1W
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Feng Shui and your Love Life

Are there Feng Shui techniques to improve one’s love life? The answer is yes. In fact there are Feng Shui love techniques for increasing one’s opportunity and others for strengthening existing relationships.

Flower Vase
Flower Vase

A very popular Feng Shui love technique for increasing one’s opportunity is known as the peach blossom technique. This technique is used to increase the opportunity of meeting someone that you like. Like the real peach blossom flower that blooms only for a short time, this technique will help create the opportunities only. Like any other relationships, you will have to work hard to retain it.

Let me explain how you can put this Feng Shui love technique to work. The four sectors of N2, S2, E2 and W2 are known as the peach blossom sectors. You can locate these four sectors by simply placing a compass in the middle location of the house and reading the directions off the compass.

It is quite easy to locate the middle of your house (exclude garden and backyard) if it is square of rectangular. For other geometric shape, you should take out your high school mathematics book for reference!

After you have located the four sectors you need to find out your Chinese astrology animal sign. You can do this by referring to the Chinese zodiac chart.

Your peach blossom sector depends on your animal sign. If you are a Monkey, Rat or Dragon, your peach blossom sector is W2. If you are a Pig, Rabbit or Goat, your peach blossom sector is N2. For the Tiger, Horse and Dog it is the E2 sector. Finally for the Snake, Rooster and Ox it is the S2 sector. Now that you know your peach blossom sector, you must activate it to work for you. There are many ways to activate it but the most popular way is by placing fresh cut flowers in a vase of water in the designated peach blossom sector. You will of course need to replace the flowers with fresh ones every few days.

Before you implement this Feng Shui love, you must make sure that there are no other married members of household that belong to your group. For example if you are a Snake and your dad is an Ox, activating the peach blossom sector (S2) can potentially his opportunities too which is not something that you mum would be too happy about!

So what you do you in such a situation? The answer is to place the flowers in the peach blossom sector of your room (instead of the house).

Does this work all the time? I would be misleading you if I tell you that this is a sure-fire method. Other factors such as your destiny, luck cycle etc will affect the outcome. Nevertheless, this technique has shown remarkable results in many cases and if nothing is working for you, why not give this a try?

Once you have found someone that you like, you should stop activating your peach blossom sector by removing the vase and flowers. Meeting additional potential suitors while you are in a steady relationship is not such a good thing, or is it? I will leave that to you.

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