“Sha Qi” means “Killing Energy” in Feng Shui and it refers to inauspicious energies generated by naturally occurring landforms as well as man-made structures.
A barren rocky mountain is an example of a naturally occurring “sha” while high tension pylon cables and microwave towers are examples of man-made structures that generate “Sha Qi”.
“Sha Qi” is found indoors too. For example, a huge overhead beam over a bed can generate “killing forces” and is known as a “sha” albeit an indoor one.
In Feng Shui, a lot of effort is put into avoiding “sha” as well as how to block or neutralize them when they occur. But why so much fuss over them?
In most systems of Feng Shui, a house is divided into auspicious and inauspicious sectors usually based on its facing or sitting direction of the house. Next a lot of effort is spent trying to position the main door, stove and beds in these auspicious sectors. They rational is that if we activate them (e.g. main door and stove) or spend a lot of time (e.g. sleeping in bed) in these auspicious sectors, our luck will improve due to the positive influences of these auspicious energies.
Sleeping in a room in a sector with inauspicious energy does not necessarily mean that you will be bestowed with misfortune. Usually it must be ‘activated’ and one of the most common activator is “sha” – both the external and internal type. For example, if you sleep in a bedroom influence by inauspicious energy and there is an external “sha” in the form of a rocky outcrop just outside your window. Or there is a huge overhead beam over your bed.
By the same token, an auspicious sector can also be negatively influenced by the presence of “sha”. This is the reason why Feng Shui consultant put so much effort into avoiding “sha”.
Here are some examples of external “sha” that you should avoid.
The T junction is one of the most common types of “sha” found in an urban environment. Make sure that your main door does not directly face the T junction.
Another common “sha” is the lamp, telephone or electrical post. It should not be directly in the path of the main door. If it is, you should move the post.
A busy highway or a fast flowing river is also a type of “sha”. You should avoid living in a house that is located very close or next to them.
I have mentioned rocky mountain above. A green mountain with lush vegetation is good but if it has an exposed earth face is becomes a “sha”. You can usually find these in a rock quarry or sometimes left opened by an irresponsible contractor.
You house should also not face a “channel” e.g. the back lane of houses or a gap between two buildings. These “channels” can cause the wind to accelerate and rush towards your house which is another form of “sha”. If you live in an apartment complex, the nearby apartment blocks can also form a “channel” and cause the wind to accelerate towards your unit.
Another form of “sha” is created by the edges of nearby buildings. Make sure that these edges do not point at your house especially at the main door and bedrooms.
Ideally a house should be located on the inside of a bend. When it is located on the outside of a bend and the traffic on the road is heavy, you may be exposed to what is known as the “reverse bow sha”. This is something that you would want to avoid.
Does the land in front of your house slopes downwards? If so, you should look out for drains that take water away from the facing of your house. This is another form of “sha”. You do not want drains will water rushing out and away from your house.
These are some of the common naturally occurring and man-made features than generate “sha” and you should avoid living in a house that is closed to them.