There are eight cardinal directions namely north, south, east, west, north east, south east, south west and north west. Each of them span 45 degrees. While eight directions are sufficient resolution for some system of Feng Shui, most require more. Therefore each of the cardinal directions is further sub-divided into three sub span of 15 degrees. For example, from north, we get N1, N2 and N3. Eight cardinal directions sub-divided into three each giving a total of 24 facing directions. These 24 facing directions are also popularly known as the “24 Mountains”.
The house facing direction and the period of the house determines the chart pattern or “energy” chart of the house. This in turn determines the quality of the house. Some chart patterns are favourable. Some are not. Some are mixed while some have special characteristics.
The quality of a house differs depend on the period that it was built. For example a S2 facing house built in the current period of 8 has a different quality from one built in the previous period even though they have the same facing direction. An older house built in a previous period can change its period to the current one by undergoing a massive renovation.
Here are the feng shui house quality for houses built in the current period of 8.
South (S2 & S3), west (W2 & W3), N1 and E1 facing houses are known as houses that prosper wealth (meaning career and wealth) but not necessarily descendants (meaning relationship and wealth). They are classified as mixed charts. The quality of such house is enhanced if there is water at the facing (signify wealth luck), followed by and mountain also at the facing side but at a distance (signify descendent luck).
North (N2 & N3), east (E2 & E3), S1 and W1 facing houses are known as houses that prosper descendants (meaning relationship and health) but not necessarily wealth (meaning career and wealth). They are also classified as mixed charts. The quality of such house is enhance if there is water at the sitting (signify wealth luck), followed by and mountain also at the sitting side in the distance (signify descendent luck).
North west (NW2 & NW3), north east (NE1 & NE2), SW1 and SE3 facing houses are known as houses that prosper wealth and descendants. They are also known as Wang Shan Wang Shui or Prosper Mountain Prosper Water houses and are good for wealth (meaning career and wealth) or descendent luck (meaning relationship and health). Their quality is enhanced if there is water at the facing side and mountain at the sitting side.
In addition SW1 and NE1 facing houses have what is known as “Combination of 10” chart pattern. it is good for people matters (meaning relationship and health).
South west (SW2 & SW3), north east (NE2 & NE3), NW1 and NE3 facing houses are known as houses that DO NOT prosper wealth and descendants. They are also known as Shan Shan Xia Shui or Up Mountain Down Water houses and are not good for wealth (meaning career and wealth) and descendent luck (meaning relationship and health). But DO NOT despair. Their quality can be remedied if there is a mountain at the facing side and water at the sitting side.
NW1, NW2, NW3, SE1, SE2 and SE3 facing houses have what is known as prison or lock chart. The current prosperous chart is trapped in the middle and is considered in prison or lock. This does not augur well for wealth luck. The wealth star must be released to improve the wealth luck of the occupants. If you have such as house, you should get a Feng Shui Consultant to suggest ways to release ths imprisoned current wealth star.
In addition S1, S2, S3, N1, N2 and N3 facing houses have what is known as “He Tu” chart pattern. They are good for wealth matters (meaning career and wealth).
A matching land form in the surrounding is very important. They can enhance or depreciate the quality of the house. We learnt earlier that a S2 or S3 facing house is good for wealth. This is true if the facing has water. However if there is a mountain nearby at the facing side, the wealth quality of the house is depreciated. This is why a house with a Up Mountain Down Water Chart (e.g. SW2 & Sw3) which is considered having a bad chart pattern is quite acceptable if it has matching landforms i.e. mountain at facing and water at sitting.