In eastern society, the dragon is regarded as a source of natural energy, authority, prosperity and longevity. They symbol of the dragon was also frequently used by past Chinese emperors to signify status and prestige. Many dynasties use the dragon to symbolize invincibility. Obviously it did not work for them.
Nowadays, many people place the dragon symbol or image in their homes as a decorative item with the hope that it will intensify the positive energy within.
Unlike the Western dragon which is a fire breathing animal, the Chinese dragon is a water animal. Therefore the best place to put the dragon is near a water features such as a water fountain or aquarium. Placing them in a dry location will be disastrous (so they say).
Some people also believe that the dragon can be placed in the north as the north sector is associated with the element of water.
In the combination and clash of the earthly branch, Chen (dragon) clash with Xu (dog). This has lead many people to believe that those born in the year of the dog should not have dragon symbols in their home.
I have a good friend who is born in the year of the dragon and she happens to be a successful dog trainer. Maybe the other around is okay!
What about the Pi Xiu (Pi Yao)? Is it a dragon or a dog?
The Pi Xiu is a mythical animal and has the head of a dragon and the body of a lion (or dog). It is a fierce animal and is believed to be able to gobble up all types of demons and evil spirits. In ancient China, they are used to guard the tombs of the emperors!
Aside from gobbling up demons and evil spirit, it also absorbs wealth from all directions. It signifies inflow without any outflow and this is why businessmen placed them in the office and home facing the door with the hope that it will bring in wealth in abundance.
Aside from ‘proper’ wealth, the Pi Xiu (Pi Yao) is also believed to bring windfall or ‘improper’ wealth which is why it is often seen in at money lender’s office, massage parlours, gambling joints and other similar centres.
Finally the Pi Xiu is also regarded as capable of absorbing ‘sha’ and this is why many dwellers located at a T or Y junctions, place a pair with their heads facing the front door.
Note: As a rule I do not use Chinese Good Luck symbols in my Feng Shui practice but this should not stop you from placing them for your own enjoyment.