In my line of work, I meet many real estate practitioners and the most common questions that I get from them is, “Is there some Feng Shui selling house technique that I can use to help me to sell my slow moving homes?”.
Honestly I do not know of any sure-fire technique. I have heard of some though and I have even asked my real estate friends to try them out. Some report remarkable results why others say it does not work at all. So we are back to square one.
I have read about another technique which does not involve Feng Shui. You simple bury a statue of St Joseph upside down in the back yard of the house that you want to sell!
At least where I live, many house buyers are aware of the basics of Feng Shui. So, it would be wise to ‘correct’ any obvious Feng Shui defects in the house that you want to sell.
Do you have a ‘secret’ Feng Shui selling house technique that works? Would you like to share it with us? If you do, email it to me and I will list them on this site for others to try. I am waiting!
Meanwhile would you like to know that ‘secret’ Feng Shui selling house technique that I have mentioned above? The one that received mixed results? Here goes.
Simply switch on the lights at the back of the house and leave it on for 24 hours a day. That’s it.
Have you run out of ideas to sell the slow moving house? If so, what not give this a try and then come back and share your experience with us.
And do not forget you share your Feng Shui selling house technique with us.