There are many schools of Feng Shui and they each have their special Feng Shui Romance techniques to improve romance and relationship luck. I will share with you a very simple but potent formula that can help you to improve the quality of your relationships with others.
This formula is taken from a system known as the Eight Mansions or Eight House which is more than 1200 years old. This system works on the belief that all of us have favourable and unfavourable directions that are influence by the prevailing directional energies that were present when we were born. These favourable and unfavourable directions affect us throughout our life and our fate can be improved if we sit or sleep in harmony with these directions.
Are you ready to take the plunge? The first thing that you need to do is to determine your ‘Kua’ or ‘Gua’ number. This number can be computed using your date of birth and sex. To make the process of determining your ‘Kua’ number easier, you can simply refer to this ‘Kua Chart’. Click on your ‘Kua’ number to find out your Yen Nian or relationship direction.
Let me illustrate with a couple of examples. If you are a male born on 1st July 1957, your ‘Kua’ number is 7 and your ‘relationship’ direction is north east. If you are a female born on the 15th March 1977, your ‘Kua Number’ is 1 and your ‘relationship’ direction is south.
How to apply the formula? To improve your Feng Shui Romance luck, you should re-arrange your table, chair and bed to face your ‘relationship’ direction.
Let’s say that your ‘relationship’ direction is north. Re-arrange your table and chair, if necessary, so that you are facing north when seated. Your back would then face south. This is quite straight forward.
The sleeping direction is a bit different. It is not the direction that you face while lying in bed. Instead the direction is taken from the crown of your head. If your ‘relationship’ direction is north, then you should sleep in a north-south axis with the crown of your head pointed at north and the base of your feet pointed south. Take the first step to improving your Feng Shui romance luck today!