How do you know if a house has good Feng Shui? It is usually determined taking the location, facing (or sitting) direction of a house, the surrounding landforms and the period of completion of the house.
In terms of location, you should not buy a house that is located on the top of a hill or in low lying areas. The strong winds at the top of a hill is a kind of sha (killing force) which you should avoid while low lying ground may be prone to floods.
The facing direction of the house in turn is used to determine the auspicious and inauspicious sectors within a house. As a rule, you want to have the main door, bedroom and kitchen in the auspicious sectors so that you can benefit from the auspicious ‘qi’ that populate these sectors.
How would the layman know which are the auspicious and inauspicious sectors of a house? They do not. They would have to take a course or read a lot to figure it out. But all is not lost. Let me explain.
An auspicious or inauspicious sector is not automatically good or bad. It must be activated by external landforms. For example the highly auspicious wealth sector of a house needs to have a matching landforms e.g. river, lake, field or lower land for it to work. Similarly an inauspicious sector must be activated usually with some form of sha (killing force) before it becomes dangerous.
Avoiding Sha (Killing Forces)
Therefore if the surroundings of a house is free of any form of sha (killing forces) then it is generally considered safe. So if you are not going to use the services of a Consultant to help you select a house, then at least focus on one that whose surrounding is free of any sha generating landforms.
But what are they? Here are some common examples.
A fast flowing river is considered a sha. In Feng Shui a good river is one that is clean and flows slowly but not stagnant. In urban areas roads and highways are regarded as rivers. Therefore you should stay away from busy roads and highways.
Mountains in the surrounding are usually good provided they are green with plenty of vegetation and wildlife. A rocky mountain or one with a collapsed side facing your house is considered sha. you should avoid them or at least stay very far away from them.
A stagnant pond with rotting vegetation and emitting bad smell is an obvious sha. So are high tension pylon cables. While at it, I would also suggest that you avoid mobile phone radio base stations usually located on rooftops of commercial buildings.
Make sure that you house do not face the gap between two buildings. The structure creates a venturi effect flow and you get very strong wind rushing at your house. This is a sha.
T junctions, Y junctions also generate sha. Also avoid houses that faces an incoming road or river that abrupt change course in front of your house.
The edge of a nearby building can be a sha if it is orientated in such a way that it ‘pokes’ at your house. this is very common in apartment complexes. Look out the balcony or bedroom and see if the nearby building ‘cuts’ into your.
The buildings near you should also not be very much bigger. For example of yours is a two storey house and the building across the road is huge and 42 storey high, it can affect you.
Look at the roads surrounding your house. Watch out for those that form a reverse bow. They can be a problem if the traffic on it is heavy.
There are other from of sha but these are the common ones.
Matching a House with the Ba Zi
Most of us have an unbalanced birth chart. It is either too much of this element or too little of that. This in turn affect our destiny and luck. For example one may have strong career and wealth luck but have weak relationship (say spouse and children) luck. Another may have have wealth career and wealth luck but fantastic health and relationship luck. The lucky ones will have a balance of everything but there are far and in-between.
These imbalance can affect our quality of life. Money is not everything. I am sure you have come across highly successful people who are lonely, do not have affinity with their children or worry too much (mental health).
There are many ways to ‘balance’ your destiny and luck. Using the facing direction of the house or the side that receives the most energy can help to ‘correct’ this imbalance. Each direction is associated with an element. For example water is associated with north, fire with south etc. Facing the direction that has an element most need by you is a powerful way to ‘correct’ destiny and luck.
Based on my experience I find it to be a highly effective way. You are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions to buy a house. I strongly recommend that you consider this.